FLUID’s DeFi Solution

FLUID LP is a trustless, secure, compliant practicer, transparent, permissionless, cross-chain swapping tool and pool to earn solutions, offering deep liquidity without introducing any form of custody over transferred funds or synthetically wrapped assets. FLUID LP utilities include:

  • Possibility to transfer assets from one chain to another with FLUID’s Swapping tool

  • Possibility to participate in revenue generated by FLUID LP and $FLD rewards as: - Stable Liquidity Partners (SLP): Cross-chain stablecoin liquidity provider (option reserved for FLUID strategic partners pooling stablecoin reserves for a longer period of time and rewarded a fee) - FLUID stakers: Anyone interested in buying and staking $FLD token that can be accessed through two solutions: 1. FLUID Revenue Recycling Pools (RRP) 2. FLUID Fee Reduction Pools (FRP) - FLUID Liquidity Pools: Users stake any token and rewarded a % of $FLD

  • FLUID Lend by borrowing stablecoin (P2P) using $FLD as collateral, or lend $FLD to earn APY

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